Mahendra S
Dear Forum members,
Please see if anyone know a solution / can helpfor below objective:
{Scenario1 is working for quick-solution and Scenario2 is not with attachment}
Objective: How to calculate "exact elapsed time" difference between two times
with two following scenario's
Scenario1: If starttime and endtime are on the same day with in 24 hours
Scenario2: If starttime and endtime are on different day's
(For example start time before midnight & end time over midnight)
Solution: Need a procedure call with Function(s) in excel using VBA
Please refer attachment "ElapsedTimeCalculation.xlsm" {A Microsoft Excel Macro Enabled Worksheet} for the code reference related to above Two scenario's.
If any one know what is incorrect in Scenario2 related Function, please correct and let me know,
{Please note, you can view the code - Close the user-form, right-click on work-sheet(ElapsedTimeCal) ->View Code of UserForm1}
Appreciate your time and help in advance regarding the above solution need, thank you!
Please see if anyone know a solution / can helpfor below objective:
{Scenario1 is working for quick-solution and Scenario2 is not with attachment}
Objective: How to calculate "exact elapsed time" difference between two times
with two following scenario's
Scenario1: If starttime and endtime are on the same day with in 24 hours
Scenario2: If starttime and endtime are on different day's
(For example start time before midnight & end time over midnight)
Solution: Need a procedure call with Function(s) in excel using VBA
Please refer attachment "ElapsedTimeCalculation.xlsm" {A Microsoft Excel Macro Enabled Worksheet} for the code reference related to above Two scenario's.
If any one know what is incorrect in Scenario2 related Function, please correct and let me know,
{Please note, you can view the code - Close the user-form, right-click on work-sheet(ElapsedTimeCal) ->View Code of UserForm1}
Appreciate your time and help in advance regarding the above solution need, thank you!