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How to automatically attach Excel Spreadsheet To Outlook Email and CC to sender


New Member
I am in the process of creating a problem reporting tool used by different departments. Here is the Macro being used to automatically send the Excel file as an attachement to people in my department.

ActiveWorkbook.SendMail _

Recipients:="(E-Mail Removed)", _

Subject:="Subject header" & Format(Date, "dd/mmm/yy")

I need this automatic email with attachment to be copied to the sender so he/she has a confirmation of the problem report sent to our department, showing that the report was attached to the email.

Is there a macro to dynamically CC the automatic email of the Excel report to the sender's email ID?

Thanks for your help!

There are lots of great example VBA code on this site: http://www.rondebruin.nl/sendmail.htm

I have recently used this in some of my projects to attach the worksheet and email to recipients which are in a named range on another worksheet: http://www.rondebruin.nl/mail/tips2.htm

Hope those help.