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How to allocate items using VBA?


New Member
Dear All,

Can someone help me to create a Macro file for allocation purpose??

In the attached file, on the first sheet you can see the list of users names whom i have allocated file.

Second sheet is the Raw data, in whivh you can see five heads
1, Date
2, Dins
3, Legal Entity
4, Document Type
5, Assigned

Based on two crieteria, i need to assign DINS to different employees.

First one is date, Dins that are older should allocate first
second one is Legal entity, based on the below legal entity, items should be allocated.

Eg; Amalu need to get fifty DIns of Legal entity 816, like wise all the below users should get 50 dins from their legal entities. Attaching the Raw data for your reference

Name Legal Entities # of items to be allocated
Amalu 816 50
Deepak 438 50
Meenu 438 50
Arya 438 50
Priyanka 438 50
Vibin 438 50
Sheena 438 50
Sanil 906 50
Nayana 942 50
Jishnu 942 50
Abel 942 50
Jesna 942 50
Parvathy 942 50
Amith 942 50
Arun 942 50

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Mod edit : thread moved to appropriate forum !


  • Automation In Allocation.xlsx
    217.9 KB · Views: 6
Something for everyone
... could do this way or how?
Press [Do It] ...

This is perfect for me :), However I have made few changes on the excel sheet; I have moved the pivot to second sheet and also the name of the first sheet has been changed to "Allocation Details", the same has been changed in VBA as well. Only few changes needs to be required are as follows...

1, As per the current programming, allocation is possible for only 15 employees which is working perfectly, however is it possible to edit the range from 15 to 50 employees??
2, Also the employee details are available in cell "U25:W40", can you please change it to "A9:D59"??
3, Also Click button to run macro is on sheet 3, that also please change to "Allocation details" ie page 1.

Remaining everything is perfect as expected. Thanks a lot :)


  • Copy of Automation In Allocation (2).xlsm
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It would be much better for You
if Your sample would have as real layout as possible!
Sometimes 'minor' changes would need a lot of extras.


  • Automation_In_Allocation.xlsb
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