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How to add function or method in .xlam file


Hi All,

Need to know how to add function or method in .xlam file and call that function from any excel file. Below is code which i am using. I have also attached the output file and .xlam.
I used below 2 function or method in xlam file but not able to call this. Please create the .xlam file as website not allowing me to attache this format.

I need below result in column Y with a combination of column W and A. Result X:802422055:600124663

Method 1:-

Function ReportingStructure(UIN As String, UINRng As Range, LMUINRng As Range) As String
Dim c As Variant
Dim LMUIN As String
Set c = UINRng.Find(What:=UIN, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If c Is Nothing Then
    ReportingStructure = "X:" & UIN
    LMUIN = Application.Intersect(c.EntireRow, LMUINRng).Value
    ReportingStructure = ReportingStructure(LMUIN, UINRng, LMUINRng) & ":" & UIN
End If
End Function

Method 2:-
Sub ReportingStructure()
    With Application
        cm = .Calculation
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    End With
    With ActiveSheet
        y = 2
            .Cells(y, 25) = "x:" & .Cells(y, 23) & ":" & .Cells(y, 1)
            y = y + 1
        Loop Until .Cells(y, 1) = Empty
    End With
    With Application
        .Calculation = cm
        .ScreenUpdating = True
    End With

End Sub

Kindly help me as it is little urgent. Thanks in advance

Thank you!!

Warm Regards,
Amit Singh

MOD EDIT: Added code tag


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Assume that we know nothing of your data. You need to give example of how your UDF is used in the worksheet (with arguments filled).
Assume that we know nothing of your data. You need to give example of how your UDF is used in the worksheet (with arguments filled).

Sure, It takes three parameter, UIN of column A, UINRng range of column A and LMUINRng range of column W.

If we call this function in excel of column Y like below
It display result X:802422055:600124663 with combination of column W of Line Manager and column A of UIN.

Let me know if have any query.

Thank you!!

Warm Regards,
Amit Singh
Try adding Public in front of Function.

I saved your file as xlam and tested. Worked fine on my end.