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How to access and edit the same workbook by multiple users simultaneously?


New Member
Hi All,

Is it possible to access the same workbook and made changes(Like passing the cell values from other workbook) for multiple users of the same network simultaneously.

Here is the problem.

I have 2 workbooks say "first.xlsm" and "second.xlsx".

from the "first.xlsm", i am passing the cell values to "second.xlsx" file.

Now if i put the "second.xlsx" in the shared folder and distribute the "first.xlsm" file to all other users of the same network.

But the problem is they are not able to pass the values to the "second.xlsx" file and at that time an error message is showing.

Here you can find the error message snap shot.



Does it work for you and just not work for everybody else?

Just a thought: I've done things like this several times. In my experience, using access for being the recipient of the data is vastly less quirky than using excel.