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How do I customize a pivot chart legend and title

Jen Severado

New Member
I am trying to create a custom title and legend for a chart generated from a pivot table. I would like the legend to be dynamic so that if there is a category that falls off the pivot due to a zero count that corresponding legend item disappears as well. I have attached an example.
thank you,


  • chandoo sample chart.xlsx
    33.6 KB · Views: 6
Hi Jen,

check out cell B23 in the attached. Used a simple formula to build the text for your chart title. Then, select the chart title, go to formula bar, type the "=" sign, and link to the cell you want. :)

As for the other issue, I think it becomes a moot point. Since you have long labels, more than 2 items, and want to know values, let's just create a bar chart. Much easier to read our values, don't have to worry now if user filters/changes # of series, and friendlier to color-blind people.


  • chandoo sample chart LM.xlsx
    30.1 KB · Views: 13
Luke, thank you so much. this is helpful. I showed my boss and unfortunately he wants to keep the data in a Pie chart. Yuck :( Is there anyway to achieve this with a pie chart?
Boss is wrong, but oh well. :(

We can...but have to get fancier. We can make a dynamic chart. We'll build our own labels and values to create a regular pie chart. Setup some named ranges that will dynamically grow/shrink as the PivotTable changes. I just copied down the formulas a few rows, you should copy them as far down as you'll think you really need.


  • chandoo sample chart LM2.xlsx
    25.7 KB · Views: 12