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How can I build this 5-attribute 2D risk map in excel?


New Member
So there is this risk map (or heat map otherwise) below (*):


What is interesting is that in the a 2D image there the following attributes are mapped:
Attribute -------- Drawing component
1. Likelihood -------- y-axis value
2. Impact -------- x-axis value
3. Onset speed -------- dot size
4. Vulnerability -------- dot color
5. classification - underlying grid square color

My questions are
1. whether this map can be implemented in Excel; where the user fills the table shown in the right part of the above image and excel plots the corresponding map shown.
2. if it cannot be done in Excel,what other options are there? 3. In which program do you think the map in the above diagram was made?

(*) Ref: Deloitte & Touche LLP,. Risk Assessment In Practice. Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), 2012. Web. 26 June 2015.
Side note, I'm not sure the chart is doing a good job in it's current form. Specifically, look at plotted points 11 and 1 in top-right part of chart. Dot 11 is yellow, indicating very high, but dot 1 is green. However, in the data, Risk 1 has the higher Onset speed.

In the attached, I broke out severity by integer value. May not be right, but it lets me illustrate the idea.

Anyway, it's a bubble chart with a pattern fill background.

IMO, this chart isn't that helpful for comparing severity and velocity, as it's hard to read the colors and compare sizes easily. Also not a fan of how some of the color contrast looks. But, it was a nice excercise to prove that it could be done. :)

Edited to Show full 60 data points


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