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Hover Button using Shape


New Member
Does anyone know how to create a hover button in Excel 2007? Not on a form, just within a worksheet.

I want to create a shape (i.e., Rectangle), and have the background color of the shape change when the user hovers over it.

I suppose a Text Box would work also. I really don't care what is used, I'm just trying to achieve a standard hover / rollover effect similar to HTML.

Thanks - Charlie
Hi charlievoss,

Welcome to the forum, have you looked into Review>New Comment, then when the user hovers over a cell with the little red marker a text pop up box appears - the text box can be coloured by formatting it
Hi Charlie ,

Another option is given in the following link :


Insert an image , and make it transparent ; using the mousemove event , change the interior colour of the cell over which the image is placed.


P.S. More options are given here :

1. http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=62478

2. http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=287653