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Horizontal scroll w/ mousewheel...


New Member
Hi everyone.

In google chrome, if you hold SHIFT and use the mousewheel, you can scroll horizontally.

Is there a way to do this in excel, by holding down a key?

I already know of the pressing the mousewheel in and moving the mouse, but i dislike that method cause the scroll overshoots a lot and i have to scroll back and it gets annoying...

Doesn't look like it. =(


I like using the keyboard shortcut Alt + PageUp/PageDown. Not a true scroll, but works pretty well.
Well this was fun to investigate:

Horizontal scrolling in Excel is not as easy as just "No". For instance, in Office for Mac, horizontal scrolling is as simple as Shift + mouse-wheel up/down which is because the Shift + scroll is a Mac OSX feature, so must be explicitly supported by Mac programs. Equally, and perhaps unsurprisingly, this also works on MS Office for Windows when that instance of Windows is running on a virtual machine within Mac OSX (which is how I do most of my work).

But on Windows running natively? No, not as easily, it seems, but there is a potential solution - which I haven't tried yet, mainly because I don't really have a need for it - which is to use AutoHotKey and a custom script.

AutoHotKey is a free, open-source utility for Windows: http://www.autohotkey.com/, and various scripts can be found just by searching e.g.




So it seems that, if you don't mind playing with script-writing and open-source software (and assuming your company will allow this) you may be able to get the horizontal scrolling you want - but it may well it may be more work than you want to go to for this functionality.
