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HLookup VBA Help

Hello Friends,

FinalRow = 1700
FinalColumn = 71

I am selecting Range([FinalColumn+2]2:[FinalColumn+73][FinalRow]) which indeed is Range(BU2:CN1700) and trying to apply =HLOOKUP(BU$1,$A$1:$BS$1733,ROW(A2),0).

How do I convert this formula to Dynamic in nature as my Final Row and Final column will change??

Pavan S
@ Pavan.Sada.PS,

Still no hits to post: It means you need to be more clear about your projection.
Pls share a sample file along with some manual calculation.
Hello Friends,

Have a look at the attached file and VBA code I have commented on where I have the problem statement.

Due to confidential info I am unable to share the original file and hence attached the modified version.


  • HLookupCase.xlsm
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