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Highlighting different cells based on different values

Hi Friends,

With conditional formatting, is it possible to have certain cells highlighted based on a condition? I would elaborate the problem.

I have several columns say col1, col2, col3 till say col 10.

In col1, I will have a list type of selection for all the rows, where some fixed values are present (val1, val2 etc). Now,

if I put/use val1 from the list in col1, I would want to highlight corresponding cell of col1, col2, col3 in yellow.

if I put val2 in col1, I would want to highlight corresponding cell of col1, col3, col5 in yellow.

if I put val3 in col1, I would want to highlight corresponding cell of col6, col7, col10 in yellow.

What I want to achieve is, inform that user to fill Yellow marked cells of the row, based on the value in first column, to make him understand, what is mandatory.

Kind regards,

Deepak Gupta
You should check out Chandoo's post from today:
