I have 2 sheets OD and Rep in the Excel.
The first one contains a list of overdue and the second sheet has the daily payments.
I want to compare the two lists and highlight from sheet OD the applications that got payments (from sheet REP).For example There are four applications number 3004279903 in OD but the borrower paid only once (as you see in sheet REP), so i should highlight row number 9 only and leave rows 10, 11, 12 intact in sheet OD. How can i do that?
I have 2 sheets OD and Rep in the Excel.
The first one contains a list of overdue and the second sheet has the daily payments.
I want to compare the two lists and highlight from sheet OD the applications that got payments (from sheet REP).For example There are four applications number 3004279903 in OD but the borrower paid only once (as you see in sheet REP), so i should highlight row number 9 only and leave rows 10, 11, 12 intact in sheet OD. How can i do that?