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Highlight a row based on conditions

Chris L

New Member
I have dig data files from a heat treat cycle that are sorted out for data during a soak with a macro.
One of the tabs is all the relevant temperature and pressure data that is conditionally formatted to visually identify when parameters are in specification.
I am being asked to add in to the macro bolding the row representing start and end of soak on the formatted tab
in the example file, on the hold data tab I have already found the times, 7:47:38 and 11:49:08 where the soak starts and stops
On the formatted tab these are the first row with columns (B:I) highlighted green and the last rows.

I can paste into M1 & N1 the times and do a search in column A for the values and bold the row?
I don't have knowledge in VB to write this.


  • 224041-1-04-19.xlsx
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Chris L

Your the last sentence... and You've opened Your thread in Ask an Excel Question ... hmm?
You've used there already conditional formatting ... why to mix with something else?
... or do everything in one way.
I offer now few possible solution samples
# bolding those rows ... but with yellow color
... You can split those as You need.
# highlite A-column with yellow color
## Anyway, those Your 'keyvalues' can read from Hold Data-sheet.
If You really need 'only' bolding rows, then I could do offer everything without those conditional formatting.


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I am only looking to bold the two rows based on times in column A.
Our quality engineers are already accustomed to looking through the data for Green highlighted cells, they just asked for a quick visual reference to start and end of soak.

Chris L

Your they just asked for a quick visual reference to start and end of soak.
... then this case could solve like this ...
Visual >> Press the button in header
UnVisual >> Press the button in header


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Will conditional formatting alone do?:


  • Chandoo57720_224041-1-04-19.xlsx
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Attached is a raw data file and the associated macro that would be run to produce the graph, run data and formatted tabs. 99% of this macro is just from recording steps and adjusting the resultant macro to get what I need. I have come on here to Chando several times looking for expert help for things I can't figure out and added it to my macros. What I'm looking for now is to add to what I have that will bold the entire row in the "Formatted" tab the beginning and end of soak. The button that you added to the file you attached I see that finds the rows, can I get the code behind it?

Chris L

Your they just asked for a quick visual reference to start and end of soak.
... then this case could solve like this ...
Visual >> Press the button in header
UnVisual >> Press the button in header


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Chris L

That file opens, BUT there are only ... 'raw data'.
There is nothing else.
If You refer to that txt-file.
I won't use that kind of syntax anywhere.

My solution needs Formatted- and Hold Data-sheets.
... and Hold Start & Hold End -values have to be JUST in those cells ... always.
Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 19.50.44.png

You should able to send a file, which can use at once.

Chris L

Can You use .xlsb-files?
Can New-data paste to Complete Data-sheet?
Are those Hold Start & Hold End -values have to be JUST in those cells ... always?
Your ... txt-file gives image that there should be something else too.
That Your macro ( after rewrite it ) should be in that file too.
All my macros are on another .xlsb file that opens every time I open a data file.
I pasted the one macro as a .txt just to send it to you.
This was just an example of one macro for one data file.
We run about a hundred different types of heat treat cycles and they each have a unique macro, all saved in one .xlsb file.
If you can share the code on how to highlight the rows I will adapt for each unique macro.

Chris L

Okay ...
You tested that my sent file (#4 reply) and it works.
... then that Your needed code is in that file - check that button's macro.

Other things...
You seems to skip one of Your sentences.
they just asked for a quick visual reference to start and end of soak.
My solution does that, if You're using it as it has written.

I checked Your given files one more time.
... There need to be only 'Complete Data'-sheet for this 'highlight'-case.
(( I left 'Hold Data'-sheet ... maybe You'll have some use for that? ))
I did a sample file.
Now, there are two buttons
#Show ... shows all data / shows only Your wanted highlight-columns with colors
#Quality Engineers ... a quick visual reference to start and end of soak. / shows Your wanted highlight-columns with colors
Because I cannot verify ... Your real use ... I won't guess, how this could work in Your use?
One thing is sure - 'Copy & Paste' is not a solution.


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