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Hiding Specific Sort Results


New Member
This is what I am trying to do,

I had to reference information from sheet A to sheet B in the same workbook. After I referenced the code, description and quantitfy from sheet A to sheet B, I needed to sort from highest quantity to lowest quantity. Ok,is there a way to filter out results where the quantity is 0?

Thank you!

What formulas are you currently using? Can you just add an AutoFilter to sheet B to filter out the zeros? Is the sorting done manually, or is that part of your formula/macro?
The sorting is done using a macro button that sorts the columns based on quantity from largest to smallest.
You could add a bit into your macro then to delete the 0 qty rows. Something like this:

Sub DeleteZeros()
Dim QtyCol As String
Dim LastRow As Integer

'You need to define this
QtyCol = "D"
LastRow = Cells(65536, QtyCol).End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = LastRow To 2 Step -1
With Cells(i, QtyCol)
If .Value = 0 Then
End If
End With
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub