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Hide Sheet


How can I hide a MAIN sheet from viewing or editing others in a shared file ?

Normal Alt+O+H+H will hide but the same can be visible when you give alt+O+H+U.

Is there any option to give password to enable alt+O+H+U ?.
First you protect the sheet with password & then hide the sheet.

If others unhide's the sheet, they will only be able to view the data & they wont be able to modify it as it is password protected.

Home>Format>Protect sheet to protect sheet
Hi, shibulal!

You can either try this:

a) protect all cells in sheet

b) unprotect changeable cells

c) protect sheet with password

d) hide sheet

e) protect book (structure) with password

So anybody would even show (ergo see) that sheet.

What you can't avoid is that someone who opened the book, that opens a new book, and in any sheet in cell A1 type: ='[OriginalWorkbook.xls]OriginalSheet'!A1, and if repeat that for all cells in the sheet then he'll be seeing all values -not formulas- in previously hidden sheet in original workbook.
