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Hi, excel macro file gets hang, is very slow


Excel Ninja
I have a macro file, this is prepared by my seniors.

I am trying to understand & simplify the code if possible.

The file is very heavy, around 1600 KB.

Whenever I try to save any changes be it very minor, the file gets hanged.

Either I have to wait for 5 minutes to get the file saved or I close the application to restart.

Due to this problem I am not able to do any changes in the macro & it has become very time consuming.

Can anyone please help me about how do I solve this problem.

P.S. - I have kept calculation on manual mode.

Thanks in advance....
I'd recommend starting here.

Hi, sachinbizboy!

Could you post here the macro code and a schema of the worksheets (and how many rows) involved? Consider too uploading a sample file.

Hi SirJB7,

extreamally sorry for late reply.

We can not post any file from workplace but I will try to upload a sample file from home.

Have a nice day & thanks lot for the help.
Hi, sachinbizboy!

Better later than never. If you're willing you can give us an advance posting here the code (embed it within backticks and few rows of data.

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