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Hi, could you help me?


New Member
Hello everyone!

First of all, I really enjoy this website, congratulations!

I don't know if is possible do that, but go ahead.

Today is 08/29/2012, likewise is 5 week of this month. I know that on Excel there is a form for weeks of year.(weeknum).

I tried, but I can't found something that help me with that, I'm just looking for a form that count weeks of month instead of years. :D

Thanks a lot!
What do you consider the start of the week? For instance

This is the 5th Wednesday

This is the middle of 4th full week.

It would help if you could post a quick list of dates and show what week number you expect to see as the result.
Here's my random shot. If Sunday is 1st day of week:


If Monday:
