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Help With Sum If function


New Member

I am trying to link a Master daily sales commission report that is fairly easy and the Sumif function works but not when the workbook is closed. I have tried Vlookup but does not work. Here is the formula that works when open : SUMIF('F:2012 COMMISSION SHEETSD''ANN[D''ANN COMM SHEET.xls]JAN'!$B:$B,"Jan2",'F:2012 COMMISSION SHEETSD''ANN[D''ANN COMM SHEET.xls]JAN'!$D:$D)

I need to be able to report each day commission amount for about 10 sales people. They all have a seperate workbook and I want it to total each day on the master workbook. Extract the day and month and the sale amount total for that day.
Unfortunately, SUMIF, as you found out, does not work on external links/workbooks. You'll need to first bring in all the data, using either a simply link like


or setup an data query to query the other workbook(s).
Hi Rebecca ,

This issue has been documented in the Microsoft Knowledge Base , where they have suggested some workarounds. Can you check out the following link ?

