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Help with Outlook VBA - Need to catch Subject and sender and return an answer with a template.

Kenny Outzen

New Member

I am looking for help.

I am currently trying to set up 8 different macros, where i reply to different types of e-mails using standard templates.

So far i have gotten this piece of code to work.

Sub Reply_Scripting()
'Open Confirmation email template.
Dim origEmail As MailItem
Dim replyEmail As MailItem
Set origEmail = Application.ActiveWindow.Selection.Item(1)
Set replyEmail = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate("Y:\Templates\Thank you for your order.oft")
replyEmail.HTMLBody = replyEmail.HTMLBody & origEmail.reply.HTMLBody
End Sub

What i am missing, is:
  1. how can i get the e-mail to include the original sender of the e-mail as the new recipient
(if i get the e-mail from xxx@xxx.com i want the macro to reply to xxx@xxx.com

  1. how to i reuse the subject from the original e-mail? (ie. if i get an e-mail with subject XXX - i want my macro to get the old subject, and return Re: XXX)

Hope anyone can help.

1. Try using "Sender" Property of origEmail (i.e. origEmail.Sender)
Then make "To" property of replyEmail equal to above.

2. Similar to above, use "Subject" property.
But concatenate with "RE:".