Well-Known Member
Hi All,
My Save As loads but clicking the save button does nothing
Same issue with the simpler version I made
My Save As loads but clicking the save button does nothing
Dim MyFileType As Variant
Dim savemyfile As FileDialog
Set savemyfile = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
MyFileType = "CSV (Comma delimited)"
For i = 1 To savemyfile.Filters.Count
If savemyfile.Filters(i).Description = MyFileType Then
savemyfile.AllowMultiSelect = False
savemyfile.Title = "Choose Save Location"
savemyfile.InitialFileName = "TEST*.csv"
savemyfile.FilterIndex = i
Exit For
i = i + 1
End If
Next i
Same issue with the simpler version I made
Dim savemyfile As FileDialog
With savemyfile
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Title = "Choose Save Location"
.InitialFileName = "TEST*.CSV"
.FilterIndex = 15
End With
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