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Help with logarithmic equation formula


New Member
I have a question. I am trying to figure out how to input this equation in a cell of excel. y= -23.78ln(x)+514.04

x is 1500

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

If this helps, http://i42.tinypic.com/2uifyiw.jpg

Im trying to figure out how many meters per minute 1500m is according to my logarithmic graph.

Hi ,

If you would like to plot this graph in Excel , then the best way would be to have a range of your X-values , and use a formula for the Y-values.

Suppose you wish to have X-values 50 metres apart.

Let us say we start the X-values from cell A5. Type in 0 in cell A5 ; type in 50 in cell A6 ; select both these cells and drag down till you reach the upper limit of your X-values , say 5000. You now have your X-values from 0 ( in cell A5 ) till 5000 ( in cell A105 ).

In cell B5 enter the following formula :


Copy this formula down till B105.

In cell B5 you will have an error value , which means this function is not defined for an X-value of 0.

Ignoring this one value , you can use the other values from X = 50 till X= 5000.

Plot the chart , and adjust the minimum value for the Y-axis to 300 so that you get a more detailed graph.
