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Help With EssVZoomIn VBA


New Member

I am trying to zoom in via Essbase using VBA on some customer data to the bottom level, and so far I can only get the "Zoom Failed" message.

I have a dummy file to share to help show you guys my sheet, and my VBA code is below.

Declare Function EssVZoomIn Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal selection As Variant, ByVal level As Variant, ByVal across As Variant) As Long

Public Sub ChannelZoomIn()
' ChannelZoomIn Macro
    X = EssVZoomIn("[DummyZoomFile.xls]Drilldown", range("H9:J26"), range("D9:D26"), 3, False)
    If X = 0 Then
   MsgBox ("Zoom successful.")
   MsgBox ("Zoom failed.")
    End If
End Sub


  • DummyZoomFile.zip
    219.8 KB · Views: 7
Hi, keithfender!

As a new user you might want to (I'd say should and must) read this:

And regarding your issue, I never heard about neither Essbase nor EssVZoomIn but that isn't important. What matters is that if you're using a non-standard Excel feature, add-in or product, then you should post the link where it's available for free download and trial; it'd be very useful for those who read this and might be able to help you, relieving the contributor of having to investigate it by himself, if necessary. Thank you.

Despite of this and being apparently a supported add-in, have you yet tried asking to its customer support service?

Thank you both for the quick responses!

Essbase is not a free add-in or product. It's a database management system, which many companies use with their Financial/Planning departments. Narayank991, thank you for the links. I found those when I was doing my own initial Google searches. What's surprising to me is that an Essbase specific help forum is a difficult thing to find! I posted here in case any other readers/posters of Chandoo also use Essbase and might be able to help me with my VBA. This website has been an excellent resource over the years, and I know it's a stab in the dark, but I am hoping another Essbase Excel Add-In user more knowledgeable than myself is on these forums.

Thanks in advance,
