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Help with creating a price volume Chart now I have sample pic with the attached file


New Member
I am baffled by how a chart was created. I went to a job interview and I was asked to create a chart in Excel. I tried everything I know but I could not create the chart. This is not the first time I have tried this chart. Please see attached.

I have another interview next week, and I am afraid this chart will be waiting for me. It would very much appreciated if you could help.

Please see attached.


  • Price Volume chart.xlsx
    53.4 KB · Views: 3
See attached.

Basically, Monthly volume series will need data label as "Date" format and not month. Create chart.

Then create second chart for close.

Copy series from second chart and paste into first. Set one of the chart to secondary axis.

Go to Chart Element tool and add Secondary horizontal axis.

Now format both horizontal as Date axis. Set primary horizontal Base units to Months. Set secondary horizontal Base units to Dates.

Adjust Number format for primary to "Custom" and use mmmm as Format code.

Fine tune and then leave secondary horizontal in place, but remove all fill from it (Text, Line & Fill).


  • Price Volume chart (1).xlsx
    49.8 KB · Views: 7
I really don't know what to say to express my sincere gratitude for taking your time explain this to me. Many people tried but none was able to do what you did. I don't know where you live but I live in New York and I do this for living. Many times I have miss job opportunity because i couldn't solve puzzles like this. Thank you and thank you. I believe I am going to sleep to night.


  • Price Volume chart solution(1).xlsx
    41.3 KB · Views: 2