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Help with calculating percentages


New Member

I have a spreadsheet with hundreds of vendors/suppliers. Each vendor delivers multiple parts, for which some are delivered "Early", some "Late," and some "On-Time."

Some vendors deliver the same type of part, so each vendor delivers it at different times, falling into either of the above delivery statuses independently.

The Delivery Status column/field shows the status, but it is actually a formula that is calculated using two other columns with dates.

THE QUESTION: I need to calculate the percentage of each delivery status ("Early", "Late," and "On-Time") for each vendor rather than the percentage of status as a whole.

E.g., Vendor A delivered "On-Time" x% out of the total of all the "On-Time" deliveries done by all vendors together (I'm debating whether I should get the percentage out of all the total deliveries regardless of the type of status as the denominator for the calculation rather than only of the total of each status. Please suggest the right denominator).

I need the percentages of each delivery status per vendor to be able to identify the "Top 10" vendors that delivered "Early", top 10 that were "Late", and top 10 "On-Time."

This is a perpetual spreadsheet that will be refreshed constantly. Below is how the data is structured in the spreadsheet.

Your help is very appreciated,


Vendor APart ALate
Part BOn-Time
Part CLate
Part DEarly
Vendor BPart AOn-Time
Part ELate
Vendor CPart ALate
Part XEarly
Part YEarly
Vendor DPart XOn-Time
Hi please post a sample sheet with some data and an example of expected results. Images are impossible to work with. Thx
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