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Help! Trying to find a formula or function to count the number of unique rows

Susy Bacon

New Member
I need help! I have a worksheet containing a long list of students enrolled in various classes. My goal is to come up with a total number of students enrolled in each unique class. I don't need to know who the students are, just need a total number enrolled in each class. I need a formula or function that will count up how many different unique rows there are in the worksheet. Ideally, the outcome will show me each unique row and then give me a total of how many of each unique row exists in the worksheet. Again, I say, I need help!! Thanks!
Hi, Susy Bacon!

Let's say you have class data in column A and other data in columns B:D, with one title row in 1, for example.

Try this:

Copy column A to E

Select column E

Go to DataTools tab, Remove Duplicates, OK

In E2 type and copy down accordingly to D column:


Hello Susy,

In case if you are not comfortable with pivot table, do let us know, and we shall definitely provide you the link and details to work with.

If you are looking only for formula based solution, you can use the suggestion from SirJB7.


Prasad DN

PS: SirJB7, thank you for pointing out what I missed.