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help multiple monthly sheet planner calendar


New Member
hi, i really need help
i m using chandoo calender with event planner..

i created each month plan in 12 separate sheet : Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov,Dec
each sheet contain 7 column : date, time, event, location, program, add on, remark

in the yearly tab, if i click on any date, it will auto show the daily event at right side memo.. let say i click 25dec, it will show those events created in sheet dec with date 25. display in 5 column :event,location,time,program,add on

can u help me in the formula.. as i use indirect/index, but it only show sheet Jan, but not other sheet month

tq tq tq
Post your file example - it will make it easier for people to assist. Otherwise we have to *try* to duplicate your worksheet and it's not always easy to do so from a description ....


Perhaps you need an INDIRECT in cell AA8:


{array formula}

hi khalid
thank you thank you thank you.. it works

how about the rest .. MATCH(ROW(Jan!$A$7:$A$27),ROW(Jan!$A$7:$A$27))..

do i need to change it to each Sheet! ? or just leave it to Jan! sheet ??

Since it is generating an array of:

You don't even need Jan!
MATCH(ROW($A$7:$A$27),ROW($A$7:$A$27)) will serve the purpose.

However, I just realize you can remove the MATCH function to make it more shorter, the Red highlighted will also generate the same array:


hi khalid

i need one more help please...
is it possible to add in one more criteria, if selectedCell equal to date, and if column AA7 equal to "month sheet" column C3:C27, the rest is same.

thank you once again..
if selectedCell equal to date, and if column AA7 equal to "month sheet" column C3:C27

Good day @richboom

May be this:

=IFERROR(INDEX(INDIRECT(TEXT($AC$3,"mmm")&"!D7:D27"),SMALL(IF(selectedCell=INT(INDIRECT(TEXT($AC$3,"mmm")&"!A7:A27"))*($AA$7= INDIRECT(TEXT($AC$3,"mmm")&"!C7:C27")),ROW($A$7:$A$27)-6,""),ROW(A1)),COLUMN(A1)),"")

Not tested...
