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Help me to understand the coding

sql = "SELECT left(Extract.[Lgl Port Code],4) as Expr1, Sum(Extract.[Sum Curr Book Val Amt]) AS Book, Sum(Extract.[Sum Curr Mkt Val Amt]) AS Mkt, Sum(Extract.[sum Functional Face Shr Amt]) AS Par " & _"FROM Extract GROUP BY left(Extract.[Lgl Port Code],4) ORDER BY left(Extract.[Lgl Port Code],4)"


Port = Cells(intCounter, 1)

Loop Until Port = rs("Expr1").Value
The first line is building an SQL statement. SQL's use a particular format to choose what data they want, from which columns, using specific conditions. I recommend reading this article (or some of the related ones) as it looks like you've been asked to deal with a lot of SQL.

Note that there are vriable within the statement being built by the SUMS of other data.
The middle statements cells that the Port variable is equal to the Cells found in row intCounter, column A. So, if IntCounter = 3, this says to make Port = cell A3.

Perform a loop until Port is equal the to Expr1 parameter of rs.