Hi, I'm Mark Anderson and I teach basic Excel at a private high school in Johnstown, PA. I'm not very well versed in VBA or more advanced topics in Excel but that doesn't stop my colleagues from asking me [un]usual questions. My current reason for joining this forum is because I'm looking for help to solve the following "problem": our athletic director would like to create a "table of contents" for a multi-sheet workbook that he sends to our coaches (e.g., for baseball, softball, etc.). He would like the baseball coach to only be able to view the baseball worksheet, the softball coach the softball sheet and so on. It seems to me that a "table of contents" with password-protected access to each sheet would do the trick but I'm at a loss as to how to accomplish this? Does anyone already have a TOC template that does this, or can you provide detailed advice on how we might set up such a page? Forum looks impressive! Thanks! Mark A.