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Healthcare Peer Review Dashboard


New Member
I was wondering if anyone could help me develop a Peer Review Dashboard. I have a base template that I would like to see come to life with the power of Excel Dashboard.

The file I have uploaded is what I would like the information to be on the dashboard. (Of course more interactive and more eye catching). A basic slicer that you would be able to choose years, quarters, and divisions maybe even owners if able to.
The graphs below them would display what the percentages are for each category when you select certain data from the slicer.

We would ideally like to be able (for example) click on 2014, quarter 4 and be able to see in the 3 graphs displayed on the dashboard what the percentages are in PT (physical therapy) Combined (PT & OT) and OT (occupational therapy) all in once glance.

I have the write calculations in the pivot table and attached it to the graph that you will find on the dashboard but I would need three graphs in total (pt, ot, and combined).

I made one chart that I show on the dashboard but I am unable to figure out how to keep that and add slicers to be able to show on all 3 graphs of the dashboard and be connected to each other all at the same time. I have one raw data sheet. I will be updating it every quarter with new data and would like it to be able to show that when I choose to refresh the data for the dashboard.

Thank you for your help!