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Have problem in opening an excel file

Kiran Kumar

New Member
Hi there,

We have an excel file(not shared) saved in a common shared drive where users go and update the data quite often. But, this morning we have faced a magical problem in opening that excel file.

It says file is already opened by ....(user id) and asked to whether to open the file as a read only. But, when I went to that user system, nothing was opened infact we restarted both the systems, but still it says file is already opened by ....(user id) which is actually not...

We have cleared all the cookies and all, but no use. Can someone please suggest me what did go wrong in that.

Thanks for all your suggestions.


I had a similar issue with that. we had to ask all possible users to restart their machines. we did the same thing you did and did not work, when we asked all parties who could possibly use the file to shut down and restart, it then worked.
Hi, Kiran Kumar!

Open Windows Explorer (or anything that browses local files), set it to display hidden files, go to the folder where the workbook is stored and check if exists a file with the same name of the workbook and the prefix "~$" (unquoted). If yes, delete it and try again, if ok, you're done, if not, next sentence. If not, restart that machine, if ok, go on, if not, call your IT support team guys.
