OK, I have this code that counts cell colors. It is in a module. What I want to do is on the worksheet where the function will be used is to have it active so when the user changes a color in a range of specified cells the function automatically runs. Much like if you have COUNT or SUM in a range and change a number, it auto calculates.
At this time, the UDF only works when you re-enter it in a cell. Basically I want the UDF active all the time.
At this time, the UDF only works when you re-enter it in a cell. Basically I want the UDF active all the time.
Function CountCcolor(range_data As Range, criteria As Range) As Long
Dim datax As Range
Dim xcolor As Long
xcolor = criteria.Interior.ColorIndex
For Each datax In range_data
If datax.Interior.ColorIndex = xcolor Then
CountCcolor = CountCcolor + 1
End If
Next datax
End Function