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Grouping Dates


Hello - I would appreciate help with the following problem.

1. I have a rolling 12 months: (Year-Month) My months are listed at the start of the month (1 June 2011) but item 3 needs to account for the WHOLE month (June 1, 2011 - June 30, 2011)

6/1/2011 7/1/2011 8/1/2011 9/1/2011 10/1/2011 11/1/2011 12/1/2011 1/1/2012 2/1/2012 3/1/2012 4/1/2012 5/1/2012

2. I have a series of Dates:





3. I would like to write a formula where each date (item #2) is evaluated to see if it falls in a series of ranges. If the date falls in the last 3 months (march 2012 thru May 2012) - write 3 months. If it falls withn the last 6 months (Dec 2011 thru May 2012) - write 6 months. If it falls within the rolling 12 months (then write 12 months). For example - if a date is May 31, 2012 - it needs to display 12,6, and 3 months. If it is Dec 10, 2011 - it needs to display in the 12, 6 month category.

NOTE - THE DATE NEEDS TO BE EVALUATED TO THE END OF THE CURRENT MONTH. I can't change the dates in section #1.

I have been struggling with this a lot so I appreciate any assistance!
Hi, chloec!

Let's suppose you have the data like this:


Roll 12 mth	EOMonth	        Series of dates	Match	Falling range
01/06/2011	30/06/2011	25/08/2011	2	12
01/07/2011	31/07/2011	20/03/2012	9	3
01/08/2011	31/08/2011	25/08/2011	2	12
01/09/2011	30/09/2011	18/05/2012	11	3
01/10/2011	31/10/2011
01/11/2011	30/11/2011
01/12/2011	31/12/2011
01/01/2012	31/01/2012
01/02/2012	29/02/2012
01/03/2012	31/03/2012
01/04/2012	30/04/2012
01/05/2012	31/05/2012

Column A : your rolling 12 months

Column B : =FIN.MES(A2;0) -----> in english: =EOMONTH(A2,0)

Column C : your series of dates

Column D : =COINCIDIR(C2;B$2:B$14;1) -----> in english: =MATCH(C2,B$2:B$14,1)

Column E : =SI(D2<=3;12;SI(D2<=6;6;SI(D2<=12;3;0))) -----> in english: =IF(D2<=3,12,IF(D2<=6,6,IF(D2<=12,3,0)))

I'm not going to have EO Month column (B) can we account for this?

THank you so much for the assist, SirJB7!
I believe SirJB7 was implying that you will need to create one. However, I don't think it's needed. Using this layout:

Month List	Chosen Dates	Falling Range
1-Jun-11	25-Aug-11	12
1-Jul-11	20-Mar-12	3
1-Aug-11	25-Aug-11	12
1-Sep-11	18-May-12	3
Formula in C2 is:

Hi, chloec!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and for your kind words too. Welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
