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Grouping data then printing

Please see example
The red tab is the data as i get it , i then make a pivot table green tab , drill down blue tab, then copy each driver one by one into a record of discussion orange tab i then print this off and give to the training team.

i have to do this for every driver is there a way to have this automate from the original data and print them all off in one go or even make tabs along the bottom so i can print them

your help is most appreciated thanks


  • Lead in report.xlsx
    93.6 KB · Views: 4
I haven't time to do the whole thing, but in the attached I've done away with your pivot table and drill down sheets, added a pivot to the record of discussion sheet, added a slicer and added some formulae in your form and restricted the print_area of that sheet to just the form and surrounding cells. Now at least you only have to click on the slicer to get the data in the form.
If I get time later I'll try to automate the printing.


  • chandoo17622Lead in report_01.xlsx
    95.3 KB · Views: 4
An update; added button on sheet to go through each member number and ask if printing wanted and hid he columns with the pivot table in.
I won't have time to automate adapting the pivot table to new data and refreshing it, maybe in a week or so.


  • chandoo17622Lead in report_02.xlsm
    106.2 KB · Views: 5