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Group data weekday wise- Monday to Friday


New Member

I have been trying to group the data in pivot tables weekly. But not 7 days a week. I just want to club the data for the five working days. So for example if 1/3/2013 is a friday and the next week is from 4/3/2013 to 8/3/2013 i want the data to be clubbed as

1/3/2013 - 4

4/3/2013- 8/3/2013 - 20

11/3/2013 - 15/3/2013 - 25

And so on.

Please someone help me with this if it is possible.
What happens to the weekend days then? If it's in your data source and you need it eliminated, I'd suggest adding a helper column to your data that will determine which days are weekdays (something like =WEEKDAY(A2,1)<6 ) and then throw that new helper column into the PivotTable filter to quickly remove all the weekends.