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Getting error while running Correlation


Excel Ninja
Hi, I am trying to do correlation by VBA.

I am using following code to run the macro.

I have recorded this part & running it again.

Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLAM!Mcorrel", ActiveSheet.Range("$I$2:$L$503"), _

ActiveSheet.Range("$N$4"), "C", True

But while trying to execute this code, I am getting an error

“Run Time Error 1004 Method ‘Run’ of object ‘ _application failed”

Can anyone please tell me how do I resolve this.

I am using

Range("n2") = Application.Correl(Range("$I$2:$L$503"), Range("$N$4"))

but this is giving me #VALUE.

Can someone help me in this please.

I think my problem is resolved.

earlier I was getting bug while using

Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLAM!Mcorrel", ActiveSheet.Range("$I$2:$L$503"), _

ActiveSheet.Range("$N$4"), "C", True

the has vanished after removing ATPVBAEN.XLAM!

Application.Run "Mcorrel", ActiveSheet.Range("$I$2:$L$503"), _

ActiveSheet.Range("$N$4"), "C", True

I am not sure wheather this is a correct thing to do, but at present this seems to be working.

I wouuld request the experts to guide me on this.