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Getting blank value when dividing two measures in the matrix visual

DSP Varma

Hi All,

Please help me with the following; I tried in the other forum but did not get the result.

I have 2 measures:

  1. The first measure name is ‘Total Difference in minutes’, calculated by taking out the difference between the End date and the starting date (these 2 dates and times are customized dates that the user can enter).
    First measure.JPG

  2. The Second measure name is ‘Avg mins per booking’ which is calculated by dividing
    43200/Booking Count in the matrix visual, where 43200 is fixed.

    Second measure.JPG

The above 2 measures are showing correctly.

But when I write a following measure in matrix visual, I get a blank value.

Projected Bookings = DIVIDE ([Total Difference in Minutes],[Avg mins per Booking])
I am expecting the following result which I did in Excel


Expected result.png
It all depends on how underlying data is modeled and what fields belong to which table etc.
Without data model, relationship and your actual measure(s), it's very difficult to give you help. I'd recommend uploading sample workbook that replicates your issue with desensitized data.

DSP Varma

About Your Please help me with the following; I tried in the other forum but did not get the result.
  • Cross-Posting. Generally, it is considered poor practice to cross post. That is to post the same question on several forums in the hope of getting a response quicker.
  • If you do cross-post, please put that in your post.
  • Also if you have cross-posted and get an Solution elsewhere, have the courtesy of posting the Solution here so other readers can learn from the answer also, as well as stopping people wasting their time on your answered question.
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