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Good Afternoon,

When referencing a Pivot Table, can someone tell me the difference/advantages/disadvantages between using the "GETPIVOTDATA" formula to refer to the pivot table and grab the data versus simply using a Copy and Paste Link?

Thank you in advance for any assistance,

Hi ,

You can see the difference for yourself when you apply filters to the pivot table ; since the GETPIVOTDATA function specifies the criteria for data selection , if the filter criteria are different , the cell having the GETPIVOTDATA function will output an error value.

The Copy and Paste Link is actually a dangerous way to reflect values , since what it contains is not a data link , but a cell link. Thus when you perform the action , suppose the destination cell contains the formula =$C$5. What this will do is display the contents of the cell C5. It is clear that depending on whether a filter is applied or not , or even what kind of filter criteria are applied , the contents of C5 in the pivot table can be anything ! But looking at the destination cell , you will never be able to say what the displayed value actually represents !

Avoid Copy and Paste Link , especially when you are referring to a pivot table.

Thank you Narayan. That is a much needed insight! I was finding Copy and Paste Link to be a little quicker and easier but from your explanation I can see that GETPIVOTDATA is worth the little bit of extra effort! Thank you!!
