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Get last week dates from monday to sunday with week number


New Member
Hi All,

I am new bie here can any one help me to get vba macro code for last week date from Monday to Sunday with week number for example if last week date Monday to sunday falls on month end like monday is 29,Tuesday is 30 and Wednesday is 31 I need this this date with week number assume 5th week number and from Thursday to Sunday falls on next month ie date falls from 1-4th date with week number as 1.

Thank you
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Show us a sample workbook or 8-10 records. Make sure to include a before and after scenario. so that we can provide you with a solution specific to your workbook. Be sure to make your sample representative of your actual file.
Show us a sample workbook or 8-10 records. Make sure to include a before and after scenario. so that we can provide you with a solution specific to your workbook. Be sure to make your sample representative of your actual file.

Thanks for your reply.For confidential purpose i am not able to attach the workbooks but i am able to paste the screenshots as shown below.

Here the scenario is from the column Insurance Date Workbook i need to filter last week date from Monday to Sunday ie date from 22-28 suppose if last week date Monday to Sunday falls on month end like Monday is 29,Tuesday is 30 and Wednesday is 31 I need this this date with week number assume week number is 5th week and from Thursday to Sunday falls on next month ie date falls from 1-4th date with week number is 1 week.

Can you please help me macro code to get this dates and week number.
