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Get "Error loading DLL" when trying to add PowerPoint Reference Library

Steve S.

New Member
I am trying to add the object library for PowerPoint but when I go into "Tools" and select "References" and then scroll down and check it, I get an error message that says "Error in loading DLL".

Does anyone know why?
Hi Steve ,

This error can be displayed if the file does not exist in its required default location.

For example on my computer , when I look at the library :

Microsoft Powerpoint 12.0 Object Library

the relevant file is shown by the dialog as :

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSPPT.OLB

The 12 refers to Office 2007 ; if your version is 2010 , it will be 14.0 , and if it is 2013 , it will be 15.0

If the relevant file does not exist in the expected path , then you will have to use the Browse feature to locate it and then specify that as the library to be loaded.
