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Gantt Chart - Planned vs. Actual - Stagger & Overlap Bars



I'm trying to make a Gantt Chart to have the horizontal bars show Planned vs. Actual & have bars on top of each other.

Right now, the bars are stacked, which I do not want.

Do I need to change the Chart Type?

When I attempted to, I can get the bars on top of each other but then I lose the staggering or start dates.

How to resolve this?

Please see example & advise how to fix this chart.



  • Overlap Bars.xlsx
    26.9 KB · Views: 22
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I checked. I think that stacked is Okay.
I would make another 'StartDay' for 'Bogus Actual' with [H11:H34] and its Fill color to 'No Fill' (, those TBDs ... I don't like, days will work better).
Move previous one and 'Bogus Actual' to secondary Axel.
Modify Secondary Axel like Primary Axel.
Modify Data Series Options Overlap and Gap Width -values.
Why 'Bogus Planned and Actual' values come from area [T11:U34]?
If someone will update dates, someone have to update values too...
Did You get an idea?
Hi veltm - Thanks for providing feedback. Is there any way not create extra rows / information. I'm need to keep this table compact.

I'm trying to make a Gantt Chat to have the horizontal bars show Planned vs. Actual & have bars on top of each other.

Right now, the bars are stacked, which I do not want.

Please see example & advise how to fix this chart.



  • Planned vs Actual Bar.jpg
    Planned vs Actual Bar.jpg
    9.8 KB · Views: 21

Visually, my example pic is what I'm looking for but I need to starts to "stagger" per the start date or week of my X axis.

How can this be arranged?
@MyCon - reread answer #2.
You have to have four datas (2 'start dates', 'Planned...' and 'Actual...').
Activate one of data with right click and select 'Format Data Series...'.
Select 'Options' and edit 'Overlap' like 25% and 'Gap width' like 0%.
Repeat previous to another datas too. ... and so on...
Check my sample file.
Anyway, You have to 'check/count' values for 'Actual-bar'.
Something like this?


  • Overlap Bars.xlsx
    26.9 KB · Views: 34