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From Row wise to Column wise


I have a data arranged in the manner mentioned below.

Main Category Row 1
Sub Category Row 2
Name of the product Row 3
and so on

While Main category does not change, sub category and name of the product keep on changing. So I want to arrange the data in such a way that I get three column namely
Main Category Sub Category Name of the product

I don't want to waste my time in doing cut paste all the time.
Please help.
If data is like in your post, assuming there is no 2nd column "row 1" etc, then this could be a way to do it:
  1. convert range to table (I called it tData and the single column is called Data)
  2. =IFERROR(INDEX(tData[[Data]:[Data]],COLUMNS($C$2:C$2)+(ROWS($A$2:$A2)-1)*3,1),"")
  3. drag down an to the side (3 columns)


  • case-37722.xlsx
    18.4 KB · Views: 4
Or alternative with Power query:
  1. convert range to table
  2. Upload table to PQ
  3. Add index column
  4. Add modulo column - "3"
  5. Pivot on modulo column, use "data" as values and choose do not aggregate
  6. fill up columns 3 and 4
  7. filter "not null" in column 2
  8. delete index column
  9. load table to sheet
Click refresh when new data has arrived in the new table.


  • case-37722.xlsx
    23.4 KB · Views: 4
Thank you experts for your interest in my query. But can I get the value against the name of the product? PFA format of file.


  • Sales.xlsx
    10 KB · Views: 3
I do fail to see where in your example you have transposed the data as requested in post #1.
Can you give a manual example on how the result should be like.
Thank you experts for your interest in my query. But can I get the value against the name of the product? PFA format of file.

1] Here's is the formula with helper solution

2] See attached file



  • RowToColExample.xlsx
    14.1 KB · Views: 12