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Freeze cursor movement


Hi Masters,

My worksheet produce the desired result on the input given in Cell A1 by the users.

(This is being done with many paramtrs).

Here I need to restrict the cursor movement in cell A1 itself.

Any kind of xls or VBA function will do.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Shibu ,

If you ensure that all cells of the worksheet , except cell A1 , are locked , and that the worksheet is protected , then the cursor will not move from cell A1. Is this what you want ?

No. the cursor should not move in to any of the cells (left,right or down) after typing the input & press enter in A1
Dear Shibulal,

Select A1

1. Right Click>Format Cells>Uncheck Locked>Ok

2. Review>Protect Sheet>Tick only "Select Unlocked Cells"


I am not sure but right click on the sheet and select "View Code" and then paste this code. Is this what you want?

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub
Hi, shibulal!

If worksheet is protected you can do as suggested by NARAYANK991 and nazmul_muneer, which would be my first attempt; if it isn't then shrivallabha's method'd be required. This last one works regardless the protection status.
