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Free Excel Book PDF


Excel Ninja
Good day all

The link is to a free Excel book (pdf) it mainly covers 2007/2010.

It just about covers the learning curve on most things, .....but as I am sure you will be aware one book can not cover every thing in depth.

This book is from the Exceisfun site, this site has a huge library of Excel how to's on youtube, well worth a visit.


Associated Files and Videos are here: http://flightline.highline.edu/mgirvin/AllClasses/216_2003/Content/Excel/ExcelIsFun/Book2007.htm (edit by Hui)
Hi, b(ut)ob(ut)hc!

Thank you for sharing the book. Nice gesture.

I'd like doing something alike, but my lawyers insist I shouldn't...

My thanks Hui, SirJB7 forget the lawers, feel the wind take hold of the spirit and go for it......................but don't break the law
Hi, b(ut)ob(ut)hc!

I forget the lawyers, are they who don't forget me.

BTW, did you checked your mail? :)

It's a good practice starting the day reading it. ;)
