Excel Ninja
Good day all
The link is to a free Excel book (pdf) it mainly covers 2007/2010.
It just about covers the learning curve on most things, .....but as I am sure you will be aware one book can not cover every thing in depth.
This book is from the Exceisfun site, this site has a huge library of Excel how to's on youtube, well worth a visit.
Associated Files and Videos are here: (edit by Hui)
The link is to a free Excel book (pdf) it mainly covers 2007/2010.
It just about covers the learning curve on most things, .....but as I am sure you will be aware one book can not cover every thing in depth.
This book is from the Exceisfun site, this site has a huge library of Excel how to's on youtube, well worth a visit.
Associated Files and Videos are here: (edit by Hui)