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Formulas keep clearing out, how to stop that


New Member
I am done with my book, but when I clear the data from the cells, I lose the formulas also. Is there a way to hide or lock the formulas in certain cells so they wont be lost.
Hey rjwalters,

I generally use this method to protect cells with formula.

Select the entire range where formula and data resides. Right click and select Format Cells. Under Protection tab uncheck Locked.

Again select only those cells where the formula is and select Format cells and under protection select Locked.

Now Under review select protect sheet and apply a formula if you would like to.

Hope this helps
Hi Walters ,

Another option depends on how you are clearing the data in your worksheet.

Suppose you press F5 or CTRL G , and bring up the Go To dialog box ; click on the Special button , and click the Constants option button ; uncheck the Text check box , since otherwise even your headers will be selected. Press the Del button to delete all of the data.

Your formulae will remain.

Hi, rjwalters!

Give a look at this file:


It does what you asked for, but I think it's not enough yet, e.g., check titles before and after clearing range. BTW it'd be slow for huge ranges, I guess, if it's your case just try it see what happens.

Just advise if any issue.
