Hello, I am making a workbook that has a list selection in column F, i want to be able to select an item and it takes the date from column D and subtracts a set number of days and the result shows in column G.
Hello, i am trying to modify the DUE DATE based on what selection you make from the list, each award has its days due prior. The DUE DATE will be however many days the award needs subtracted from the Departure Date (DEP DATE).
I did not understand what you meant to say , the index formula will bring the day's prior based on the selection you make and will subtract from the Dep Date. If this is not what you are looking for can you give the expected result manually on the due date column.
I am not sure what you have tried, the file I have attached is giving you a date value on column due date. Can you attach the file you are working on, without seeing what you have done I cannot comment on it. It would be better if you could manually give me the expected results for each selection, if the dep date is today.