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Formula to mark if multiple conditions are met


New Member

I want to know when the same customer buys at different stores on the same date. I used an if formula as follows but it didn't seem to work:


Any advice/help is much appreciated. Thanks.
not sure I'm following youre formula properly... can you explain what you want it to do?

first attempt:

I actually found a way around it, the original approach was too long-winded. Thanks for giving it a try anyway. I'm still a beginner in Excel so sometimes things that make sense in my head don't quite make sense to others
Hi, Wim!

In your formula this part "A2=A3&D2=D3" evaluates to a concatenation of 2 logical values, so it'd result in TRUETRUE, TRUEFALSE, FALSETRUE, FALSEFALSE values.

In Jason's formula that fixed part "AND(A2=A3,D2=D3)" evaluates to an AND condition between to logical values, so it'd result in "AND(TRUE,TRUE)", "AND(TRUE,FALSE)", "AND(FALSE,TRUE)", "AND(FALSE,FALSE)" values, that's to say TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE.

Hope it helps.
