Chief Ace
Kindly wanted to know if there's any other way to make this formula shorter below?
=IF(COUNTIF(Sheet1!$A$3:$A$16,Sheet5!A3),"duplicate on first sheet",IF(COUNTIF(Sheet2!$A$3:$A$16,Sheet5!A3),"duplicate on second sheet",IF(COUNTIF(Sheet3!$A$3:$A$16,Sheet5!A3),"duplicate on third sheet",IF(COUNTIF(Sheet4!$A$3:$A$16,Sheet5!A3),"duplicate on fourth sheet",""))))
I have a file that have a multiple sheets (sometimes goes beyond 10 sheets) that we tracked down the invoice number to make sure we do not enter the same invoice number on any other sheets. If we do the formula above tells me that there was a duplicate invoice number on first sheet or second sheet....etc (sample file attach) by using a helper column. The reason we have a multiple sheets is because we send it to another agency almost every other three working days. Like stated above question, is there another way of making the formula shorter that works the same way? Kindly appreciate any guidance or/and help on this matter. Thank you.
=IF(COUNTIF(Sheet1!$A$3:$A$16,Sheet5!A3),"duplicate on first sheet",IF(COUNTIF(Sheet2!$A$3:$A$16,Sheet5!A3),"duplicate on second sheet",IF(COUNTIF(Sheet3!$A$3:$A$16,Sheet5!A3),"duplicate on third sheet",IF(COUNTIF(Sheet4!$A$3:$A$16,Sheet5!A3),"duplicate on fourth sheet",""))))
I have a file that have a multiple sheets (sometimes goes beyond 10 sheets) that we tracked down the invoice number to make sure we do not enter the same invoice number on any other sheets. If we do the formula above tells me that there was a duplicate invoice number on first sheet or second sheet....etc (sample file attach) by using a helper column. The reason we have a multiple sheets is because we send it to another agency almost every other three working days. Like stated above question, is there another way of making the formula shorter that works the same way? Kindly appreciate any guidance or/and help on this matter. Thank you.