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Looking for formula help. I have one cell that lists employee tenure, another that lists committed hours, I want to return hours with a new hire factor to accurately predict working hours equivalent to seasoned staff. Using this scale, 2 week tenure = 50%, 3 week = 62.5%, 4 week =75%, 5 week = 87.5% and 6+ weeks = 100%. So if the staff committed to 40 hours and they have a tenure of 2 weeks with the company I want the return to be 20 hours. Can anyone tell me which formula would work best for this?
I need some clarification: you said "IF the staff committed to 40 hours....". Are you hinting that there will be staff committing to less than 40 hours? Like a part time staff? 20 hours, 30 hours, etc? How would these non full-time staff affect your tenure calculation?
Yes we have staff committing to time all across the board. I want to convert it using their tenure to the equivalent number of hours our seasoned staff would spend to achieve the same production. However, I'm dealing with 300 people with varying schedules AND lots of new hires. I want to enter their start date and have the spreadsheet do all the calculations for me. I tried using IF formulas but I could not get it to work with the varying levels I'm looking for.
Hi, mdionne!

Let's assume column B has tenure (in weeks), in C2 type and copy down as needed:

=MIN((B2-1)*0,125+0,375;1) -----> in english: =MIN((B2-1)*0.125+0.375,1)

Is it what you were looking for? Otherwise please describe the structure and formulas of your worksheet, or consider uploading a sample workbook (check the second green sticky topic at this forums main page for guidelines).
