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Formula Help


in excel I have a number 13.9500 where I need those 4 decimal places. When I put that number into a formula to add other information onto it that I need it loses to 2 zeros at the end but I need 4 decimal places. Is there a way to fix that?
Hi ,

You need to remember that the zeroes do not matter in calculation ; if you need the final output to be displayed to 4 decimal places , all you need to do is format the output cell accordingly.

right but the problem is that the number that needs to be formatted that way ends up in the middle of a string of other numbers and information
Hi ,

In that case you need to format the number using the TEXT function ; suppose your output cell should display :

Sales in the month of December improved by 39.22 %

and the variables are the text December , and the value 39.22 %

Your output cell formula will have to be :

="Sales in the month of " & TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm ") & "improved by " & TEXT(SalesImprovementPercentage , "00.00 \%")

where SalesImprovementPercentage can have any number of decimal places from 0 upwards.
