I used to calculate staff IT till FY 2012-13 which was
a) up to 2 lac =0,
b) 2 lac to 5 lac =10% of the amount by which the total exceeds 2 lac,
c) 5 lac to 10 lac = 30000+20% of the amount by which the total exceeds 5 lac and above
d) 10 lac = 130000 +30% of the amount by which the total exceeds 10 lac
with the following formula assuming taxable income at cell AC6 =IF(AC6<=200000,0,IF(AC6<500000,(AC6-200000)*10%,IF(AC6<1000000,30000+(AC6-500000)*20%,130000+(AC6-1000000)*30%)))
Now for the FY 2013-14 i have to incorporate (-)Tax credit 10% on taxable income subject to max Rs. 2000 for the b) category staffs. What would be the formula. Could any body be generous to help me out as always. Look forward to an early response.
Thanks & regards
a) up to 2 lac =0,
b) 2 lac to 5 lac =10% of the amount by which the total exceeds 2 lac,
c) 5 lac to 10 lac = 30000+20% of the amount by which the total exceeds 5 lac and above
d) 10 lac = 130000 +30% of the amount by which the total exceeds 10 lac
with the following formula assuming taxable income at cell AC6 =IF(AC6<=200000,0,IF(AC6<500000,(AC6-200000)*10%,IF(AC6<1000000,30000+(AC6-500000)*20%,130000+(AC6-1000000)*30%)))
Now for the FY 2013-14 i have to incorporate (-)Tax credit 10% on taxable income subject to max Rs. 2000 for the b) category staffs. What would be the formula. Could any body be generous to help me out as always. Look forward to an early response.
Thanks & regards